'정리해고'에 해당되는 글 3건

  1. 2011.06.30 불어로 배우는 한진重 정리해고 철회투쟁 via @bot_fr
  2. 2009.11.10 쌍차 파업 77일간의 기록 <저 달이 차기 전에> 3
  3. 2009.08.01 [펌] Workers Creating Hope : Factory Occupations and Self-Management (먼쓸리리뷰) 1

불어로 배우는 한진重 정리해고 철회투쟁 via @bot_fr

뚝딱뚝딱 2011. 6. 30. 05:36

불어사람되기(@bot_fr)의 6월 28일자 한진重 관련 트윗 모음

travailleur 근로자 => 노동자로 바꿈.
민주노동조합총연맹에 démocratique 삽입.
* 이외에는 모두 그대로 펌 

Intervention de la police ? ça va pas la tête ? (공권력을 투입한다고? 미친거 아니야?)

[avoir un noeud dans la gorge] 목구멍에 매듭이 있다 → 목이 메이다. ex) J'ai senti mon cœur se serrer et j'avais un nœud dans la gorge. 가슴이 뭉클하고 목이 메어왔어요.

Ne leur touche pas un cil ! (그들 털 끝 하나 건드리지마!!)

Ce n'est pas une vie. 이건 삶이 아닙니다. (=못해 먹겠네!)

 [한진파업] 르몽드에 실린 기사 전문입니다. Voilà l'article publié dans Le Monde. 

오늘 불어봇은, 르몽드지(Le Monde)에 실렸던 한진중공업 사태 기사를 바탕으로 합니다. 작은 어휘 몇 개만 익히면, 여러분도 불어사람들에게 이 일을 알릴 수 있습니다.  

해고되다 = être licencié(e) / renvoyé(e) :돌려보내진 / mis à la porte :쫒겨난 // Elle est renvoyée pour son militantisme syndical. 그녀는 노조활동으로 해고되었다.

크레인= une grue // six mois au sommet d'une grue 크레인 꼭대기에서의 여섯달 // Elle occupe la cabine de la grue numéro 85. 그녀는 85호 크레인 조종실을 점거하고 있다.

재벌 = le chaebol (= le coglomérat 종합회사, 그룹) // Dans les chaebol, le dialogue social est souvent négligé. 재벌그룹에선, 사회적 대화가 종종 등한시된다.

조선소 = un chantier naval // un chantier naval du "géant" Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction (HHIC). "거대한" 한진중공업의 조선소

높은 곳에 위치한 = perché(e) // Elle est perchée à 35 mètres de hauteur. 그녀는 35미터 높이에 있다.

~가 ..할 것을 촉구하다, 호소하다 = appeler qun/qch à inf. // Elle appelle l'entreprise à revenir sur le licenciement. 그녀는 회사가 해고를 취소할 것을 촉구한다.

revenir sur qqch = (약속 견해 따위를) 취소하다, 변경하다 // Veuillez revenir sur le licenciement de dizaines d'employés. 수십여명 직원들의 해고를 철회해 주십시오.

인건비 = le coût de la main-d'oeuvre // dans le cadre d'un plan de réduction du coût de la main-d'oeuvre. 인건비 절감의 일환으로

침범, 침해 = la violation // Un jugement la condamne, pour violation de propriété privée, à une amende. 판결은 사유지 침해를 이유로 그녀에게 벌금형을 선고했다.

노동자 = travailleur // Le problème des travailleurs de Hanjin n'est pas simplement le problème des autres. 한진 노동자들의 문제는 단순하게 남의 문제가 아니다.

해고 = le licenciement // Bus de l'espoir pour un monde sans licenciements ni travail précaire. 해고와 불안정한 노동이 없는 세상을 위한 희망버스

진압하다 = réprimer // Un rassemblement est vite réprimé par la police et des groupes d'hommes en noir. 모임은 경찰과 검은 복장의 남자들 집단에 의해 빠르게 진압되었다.

시위자 = manifestant // Les 700 manifestants sont venus de tout le pays à bord d'un «bus de l'espoir». "희망버스"에 탑승하기 위해 전국에서 온 700명 시위참가자들.

체포하다 = arrêter // Plusieurs personnes ont été arrêtées, dont Kim Yeo-Jin. 많은 사람들이 체포되었고, 김여진도 포함되어 있었다.

지지 = le soutien // Sur Twitter, les soutiens à l'action de Kim Jin-Suk affluent. 트위터에서, 김진숙의 활동에 대한 지지가 (물결치듯) 몰려들었다.

주요 언론들 = les grands médias // Les grands médias se focalisent sur les incidents et les violents. 주요 언론들은 사건과 폭력성에 초첨을 맞추고 있다.

일간지 = le quotidien // Le quotidein conservateur Chosun Ilbo 보수 일간지 조선일보, le quotidien centre gauche Hankyoreh 중도 좌파 일간지 한겨레

은폐하다 = occulter // Son action occultée par les grands medias commence à susciter de la sympathie. 주요 언론으로부터 감춰졌던 그녀의 행동은 공감을 불러일으키기 시작했다.

무시되다 = négliger / 분쟁, 충돌 = conflit // Le dialogue social est négligé et tourne au conflit violent. 사회적 대화는 무시되고 폭력적인 분쟁으로 변했다.

구조조정 = la restruction // La KEF dénonce un mouvement «illégal contre un plan de restruction légal». 경총은 "합법적 구조조정에 대한 불법 운동"이라고 규탄했다.

전국(한국)민주노동조합총연맹 = Confédération démocratique des syndicats coréens // (한국)경영자총협회 = La Fédération des employeurs coréens

공권력 개입 = l'intervention de la police // KEF demande l'intervention de la police. 경총은 공권력의 개입을 요청했다.

~에 대해 항의하다 = protester contre(de) qqch // Un syndicaliste proteste contre une vague de licenciements. 한 노조위원은 대량 해고에 대해 항의했다

협상 = la négociation, 일어나다 개최되다 = avoir lieu // Des négociations avaient pu avoir lieu. 협상이 개최될 수 있었다.

직장(공장)폐쇄, 로크아웃 = lock-out // L'entreprise a lock-outé les travailleurs sans informer le syndicat. 사측은 노조에 통보하지 않고 근로자들에게 공장폐쇄를 가했다

노조 = le syndicat, 경영진 = la direction // La direction ignore les revendications du syndicat. 경영진은 노조의 요구를 무시한다.

연대 = la solidarité // Solidarité avec eux ! 그들과 함께 단결합시다!


쌍차 파업 77일간의 기록 <저 달이 차기 전에>

NUDA POTENZA 2009. 11. 10. 06:21

사용자 삽입 이미지

시사회 문의: http://moon.ddami.co.kr    02-723-4206


[펌] Workers Creating Hope : Factory Occupations and Self-Management (먼쓸리리뷰)

뚝딱뚝딱 2009. 8. 1. 00:48

Workers Creating Hope:

Factory Occupations and Self-Management

by Shawn Hattingh


In most countries, political leaders and bosses are using the global economic crisis to once again unleash an attack on workers and the poor.  As part of this, we have seen corporations around the world trying to make workers pay for the crisis by retrenching tens of millions of people.  In the most extreme cases, workers arrive at their companies in the morning and are told they no longer have a job.  With all these retrenchments, corporations are not just taking away jobs but they are also attacking people's dignity.  They are literally throwing people into a very uncertain world where it is getting harder and harder to even get the basics of life such as food and shelter.  Of course, the corporate elite are not worried if people starve or live in misery, what they care about is their profit margins and bottom lines.  Through retrenchments, therefore, the elite are waging a war on workers and the poor in the name of corporate survival and profit prospects.  Fortunately, workers around the world have started resisting.  Strikes against retrenchments have occurred from France to China and from Greece to South Korea.  In some cases, workers have even kidnapped their bosses and occupied factories and offices to stop being made 'redundant.'1  It is through this type of direct action that the workers involved are winning concessions from the elite.  Indeed, workplace occupations seem to be one of the most effective ways for people to win their demands and reclaim their dignity back from the elite.

Worker Occupations Are Spreading

A few years ago, it would have seemed crazy to even suggest that workers across the world would be starting to once again occupy their factories to stop closures and retrenchments.  The only place this seemed to happen up until recently was in Argentina.  With the crisis in Argentina in 2001 hundreds of workplace occupations occurred.  In the end, over 200 factories were recovered by workers and in many cases they became democratically run by the workers themselves.2  Nonetheless, few even imagined that factory occupations and self-management would become a possibility in many other countries.  Certainly, in every country around the world retrenchments have been rife over the last 20 years, but staging direct action to stop this through occupations did not look like a realistic option.  For example, in South Africa hundreds of factories have closed since the 1990s, but trade union leaders did not even consider occupations as a viable strategy to combat this.  Within the last several months, however, factory occupations have occurred in at least a dozen other countries besides Argentina.  Once again direct action and even talk of worker self-management are back on the agenda of many workers.

Even in Britain and Northern Ireland, where Thatcher's brutal attack on the coal miners in 1984 left lasting scares amongst workers and the poor, workplace occupations have occurred.  When the car parts manufacturer Visteon informed workers that the company would be shutting its doors, the workers decided to occupy the company's plants.  They were furious as they had only been given 6 minutes notice and a severance package that was paltry.  For over a month, the workers occupied Visteon's buildings despite the threat of arrest.3  In the end, even though they could not save their jobs, they won a severance package that was worth ten times the original offer.  In the process, the Visteon workers regained the dignity that the management tried to strip them of.  Similarly, when workers at Prisme Packaging in Dundee were told that the company was shutting its doors, they staged a 51-day sit-in.  They had decided that they were not willing to lose their jobs and said that they wanted to re-open Prisme as a co-operative under self-management.  For them, victory came when they managed to secure funding for their co-operative venture.4

Similar stories of workplace occupations have also occurred in the Republic of Ireland.  Earlier this year, workers at the Waterford Crystal factory were informed by the companies liquidators -- Deloitte and Touch -- that they no longer had jobs and that they would not even receive severance pay.  The workers decided to defend their livelihoods by staging an occupation.  In response Deloitte and Touch sent in a private security force to threaten and intimidate the workers.  Eventually, however, 10 million Euros was made available for a severance fund and negotiations are now underway for some of the workers to keep their jobs.5

Factory and workplace occupations have also been taking place in several countries on continental Europe.  When the current crisis first struck, in late 2007, 300 workers at Frape Behr in Spain occupied their workplace to stop retrenchments.  As part of this, community activists and supporters surrounded the building and protested in solidarity with the workers inside.6  At the same time as this was occurring, workers in Serbia were occupying their factory, Shinvoz, to prevent it being privatized.7  In France, workers under the threat of retrenchments have also charged into the offices of their bosses and held them until their demands have been met.  For example, at FM Logistics 125 workers invaded a managers meeting and held the bosses hostage.  The reason the workers did this was because the company had formulated a plan to retrench over 470 workers due to the current economic crisis.  After only one day of 'captivity,' the managers of FM Logistics agreed to re-examine their retrenchment plans.  Similar 'bossnappings' have also occurred at the French holdings of Sony, 3M, and Cattepillar.  The majority of the French public have supported these 'bossnappings.'  This support has meant that the French state has not been able to move against the workers involved.8

Over the last few months, factory occupations have also been taking place in Turkey.  Workers in Turkey have been hit extremely hard by the crisis with over 500,000 people losing their jobs since September 2008.  In order to stem this, workers in a number of factories -- such as MEHA textiles and Sinter Metal -- embarked on workplace occupations.  The Turkish state, however, has reacted harshly and used security forces to drive the workers out.  Nonetheless, the workers then camped outside of the factories and their resistance has continued.  Recently, the workers at Sinter held a celebration to mark their 100th day of resistance.9

North America has also seen a string of workplace occupations.  Due to the collapse of the auto industry in Canada, workers have occupied 4 different plants because they had been refused any compensation.  Reportedly, the workers were occupying the plants in order to prevent machinery being removed by the liquidators.  In fact, they were using this tactic in order to force the bosses and the liquidators to the negotiating table.  Likewise, in the United States, there have also been a number of occupations.  The most well know was the Republic Windows and Doors occupation.  The occupation occurred because the workers at the plant were given just 3 days notice that it was to be shut.  To add insult to injury, it turned out that Republic was closing because the Bank of America -- which had received billions of dollars of public money in bailouts -- refused to extend the company's credit.  Again the occupiers received massive public support.  Subsequently, the workers won severance pay and the company has opened under new ownership -- meaning some jobs, but certainly not all -- have been saved.10

With the current global economic crisis, Argentina has once again been taking the lead in occupations and turning occupied factors into worker self-managed institutions.  Under the threat of downsizing and pay cuts, 10 factories have been occupied in Argentina since 2008.  The workers have taken this action to stop the owners from declaring bankruptcy.  Indeed, it has been a strategy of the Argentine business elite to use crises to declare insolvency, then fraudulently liquate assets and suddenly open the business under a new name a few months later.  A number of the newly occupied factories have also received major support from the older self-managed factories.11  Already, workers at least one of the 10 occupied factories -- Arrufat Chocolate -- have elected to take over the factory permanently and operate it on a democratic basis.  They have already gone into production using generators and are turning Arrufat into a viable worker self-managed operation.12


The current economic crisis has seen corporations unleash a series of attacks on workers.  This has included retrenchments, wage freezes, and in some cases closers.  In many parts of the world, workers have responded with their own actions.  These have included workplace occupations and even in some instances complete factory takeovers with the aim of embarking on self-management.  As such, these workers are finding their own solutions to the crisis.  The actions of these workers are inspirational.  It seems likely that more and more workers will begin adopting and adapting the idea of factory occupations as a viable way to save jobs and reclaim the dignity that bosses have tried to take away from them.  Perhaps what we are also seeing through the occupations, takeovers, and self-management is a glimpse of what a post-capitalist world, created by the workers and the poor themselves, would look like.  Indeed, hopefully the factory occupations that we are beginning to see are an embryo of a different world -- a world where there are no bosses, where workers manage themselves, where the economy is democratically planned through worker and community assemblies, where there are no hierarchies, where the environment is not raped, and where the goal is to meet peoples' needs and not make profits.

1  Naomi Klein and Avi Lewis, "Fire the Boss: The Worker Control Solution from Buenos Aires to Chicago,"15 May 2009.

2 Marie Trigona, "FASINPAT (Factory without a boss): An Argentine Experiment in Self-management."  In Spannos, C (ed.) Real Utopia: Participatory Society for the 21st Century, AK Press, 2008.

3  www.libcom.org/tags/visteon-occupation

4  Left Luggage, "Dundee: Prisme Occupation Workers Save Their Jobs," IndyMedia, 24April 2009.

5  Naomi Klein and Avi Lewis, "The Cure for Layoffs: Fire the Boss!" 20 May 2009.

6   Freedom Fight, "Catalan, Serbian Workers 'Squat' in Factories," ZNet, 21 January 2008.

7  Freedom Fight, "Letter of Support to Factory Occupations in Serbia," ZNet, 9 January 2008.

8  Christopher Ketcham, "Enraged about Corporate Greed?  Kidnap Your Boss," 1 May 2009.

9  Eren Buglalilar, "Deepening Crisis, Growing Resistance: Workers in Turkey," MRZine, 27 April 2009.

10  "Chicago Window Factory Reopens with Occupying Workers Back on the Job," DemocracyNow! 15 May 2009.

11  Marie Trigona, "Argentine Factory in the Hands of the Workers: FASINPAT a Step Closer to Permanent Worker Control," 27 May 2009.

12  Klein and Lewis, "The Cure for Layoffs: Fire the Boss!" op. cit.

Shawn Hattingh works for the International Labour Research and Information Group (ILRIG) in Cape Town.
URL: mrzine.monthlyreview.org/hattingh150609.html
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